Not every driver is aware of the different ways to get roadside assistance when experiencing trouble with a vehicle. One option is to call a local towing company. Most tow companies keep their trucks equipped with much more than just the tools needed for a simple tow. Many can also provide door unlocks, jump starts, and more. Check out the infographic below to see more about roadside assistance services offered by tow companies in Tyler, TX.
Need more info? Keep reading below.
Door Unlocks in Tyler, TX
Nobody likes to admit it, but many drivers have locked their keys in their cars once or twice. Instead of calling costly locksmith services in Tyler TX, it can be faster and easier to call Hi-Way Towing in Gresham TX, and ask about our door unlock services. Getting an unlock from a tow company has a few benefits.
Tyler, TX Jump Starts
If you try starting your vehicle and find yourself with a dead battery you have a variety of options. Most cars can be jump-started using traditional jumper cables. However, this method can take a while to get the battery fully charged, and has the potential to be dangerous if done incorrectly. Expert tow truck drivers carry professional jump boxes that charge a battery quickly and safely.
Winch Outs in Tyler
When your vehicle ends up stuck somewhere, whether in mud, snow, or another situation, calling for a professional winch out is usually your best option. Trying to free a stuck vehicle on your own can result in damage to your vehicle, or worse, injury to yourself or someone helping you. Professional towing companies ensure their drivers have the appropriate equipment needed to safely remove a stuck vehicle while minimizing damage.
Tyler Towing
Drivers can find themselves needing a tow for many reasons. Accidents, mechanical problems, and more can leave you needing safe transport for your vehicle. If your vehicle experiences a mechanical failure that cannot be fixed on-site, towing in Gresham TX can transport it safely to a mechanic of your choice.
Interested in learning more, or need unlock services or towing in Gresham TX? Contact Hi-Way Towing, a family-owned towing company serving Tyler, Gresham, and the surrounding areas.