Whether you’re an experienced driver or not, an extra car key will come in handy more times than you think. It seems like a key that’s not commonly lost, but drivers lose their car keys all the time. It can be one of the most inconvenient things ever if you don’t already have an additional key on hand. Unlike other spare house keys, an extra car key is something that you can’t live without, because it’ll be difficult for you to go anywhere to get a new one made without having your car towed. This involves a lot more work than to replace almost any other kind of key you might have. If you still don’t understand the importance of having a replacement car key made, read on to find out more.
It’s More Convenient
Imagine you’re in the classic scenario where you lose all of your keys including your car keys. If you have a key already made and sitting at home, then you will be able to access your car as long as you can access that key. From there, replacing the rest of your keys will be a breeze. However, if you don’t already have an extra car key available, then getting that key made will require your car to be towed. If you don’t already have had a spare at the ready, then you won’t be able to go anywhere until the key is finished being made. It’ll be more convenient to have an extra car key already at hand.
It’s More Sustainable
Car keys can become damaged or even faulty over the years, and it’s important to always have a working car key. With that said, rotating your extra key with your regular key will save wear and tear on both keys and preserve their value over the years. This way, you’ll never have to worry about breaking off your car key in the door or the ignition of your car. Rotating keys is a great way to preserve the value of your keys and make sure they are durable for the future.
It Gives Peace of Mind
In general, not having a replacement car key can be stressful. You will constantly be reminded that if you ever lose your car keys, then you won’t be able to drive for a while and could miss days at your job or important events. This is undoubtedly stressful, and you can be assured peace of mind if you already have an extra key made and ready to use for your car whenever it’s needed.
It Saves Time
At the end of the day, an extra car key saves you a ton of time and trouble. Going through the process of going to a car dealership or locksmith to get a car key made can be a pain and expensive. Already having a spare vehicle key made will save you this pain and anguish by allowing you to access and drive your car much sooner than you would if you didn’t have one already made and ready for action.