Have you ever been in need of some roadside assistance? Maybe your car won’t start, or maybe you’ve just been in a fender-bender. Or perhaps you simply overestimated how far a quarter tank of gas would get you. Whatever the case, you may be surprised at what situations a tow truck company can get you out of. In this article, we’ll go over some of these binds as well as how a tow truck operator can be of assistance.
If You’re in an Accident
Sometimes, people cause more damage to their car by assuming it is drivable immediately after an accident when it is not. If a car is in an accident, the condition of its body is not indicative of conditions under the hood or undercarriage. By calling a tow truck even if the vehicle seems operable, you can prevent additional damage to the frame and suspension.
If You Run out of Gas
In a situation where you run out of gas on the road, the nearest gas station may be miles away. This combined with bad weather or unsafe walking conditions could make a walk to the nearest station for gas out of the question. You may be able to call a friend or relative to help you out, but this isn’t always an option either. If you find yourself in a situation like this that feels hopeless, remember to call a towing company. They will bring you gas and will not charge you the full price of a tow.
If Your Car Overheats
In the case of an overheating engine, you run the risk of damaging your engine if you do continue to operate your vehicle. Even if you carry extra coolant and there are not any noticeable leaks, an overheating engine can be a sign of problem much bigger than merely running out of coolant. It’s always safest to call a professional tow truck in this situation. They can tow you to a mechanic of your choice, or back to your home garage if you prefer to diagnose the problem yourself.
If Your Car Will Not Start
A car that won’t start is something that none of us plan for. Unless you or someone you know can diagnose and repair the problem, turn to a towing company if you find your car will not start. If the problem is minor, the tow truck operator may be able to get you underway without your car ending up on the hook.
If You Lock Your Keys in Your Car
Reaching into your pocket for your car keys only to realize you left them in the car is a frustrating inconvenience that can happen to the best of us. Some people may have easily accessible spare keys. In this situation, a friend or loved one could be enough to get them back in their car and on the road. As we covered in a previous article, however, contacting a Tyler locksmith or towing company can be a great solution to get out of this bind if you have no other option. Most towing companies have the right equipment to pop a car’s lock without causing any damage to the vehicle.
If You Need to Move an Unauthorized Vehicle
Last but not least, towing companies are well equipped to help property owners enforce their parking rules. If you live in a densely-packed city or near a university, you’re no doubt familiar with the struggles of parking. When the going gets rough, drivers often resort to parking in private spots or customer-only business parking lots. As long as you have signs with proper markings, you can call on the services of a tow truck company to move these unauthorized vehicles. Furthermore, this service usually comes at the vehicle owner’s expense, not the lot owner’s.
Whatever the situation may be, you need a tow truck company you can rely on when you’re in a bind. Check back in to our blog next month, when we’ll be going over what qualities to look for in a towing company. In the meantime, we always have you covered here at Hi-Way Towing if you ever need a locksmith in Tyler Tx.